Test Models
I started with the test Biel Tan kabalite shown in my earlier post but I have also moved the scheme over to a wych too. The results feel familiar enough with the traditional Games Workshop Biel Tan scheme but suitably darker. The Wych scheme is deliberately less focused and I plan the entire squad to be less uniform with touches of bronze and green in a variety of different areas.
Kabalite Squad Paint Scheme
I have a few details to go on this squad but the majority of it is there now. Pretty happy with how it turned out but I think I can improve the weathering on future squads. Taking the same vehicle weathering technique and using it on infantry mostly works but is harder to make look realistic over small areas.
Vehicle Weathering - Dark Eldar Raider
Pretty happy with this raider. A few mistakes here and there which I won't point out to you but it's better than anything I have done in the past. Again, most of there way there just need to add details.
In the Pipeline
Got a nice little force in the works now, including a kitbash/converted Archon which I am rather pleased with. I am very much looking forward to getting stuck into painting the venoms. Lovely little kits.
Let me know what you think! Expect many more updates soon.