*Space Marine Raven Guard & Competitiveness
Now, I stated competitive in the title but really I just lied. This is a Raven Guard army list attempting to be as competitive as possible whilst exploiting their rather lacklustre chapter tactics. So this list does not contain large amounts of grav guns on bikes or drop pod units however it does try to maximise the ability to scout move many units in the first turn. I don't have the units to create this force yet but if I were starting from scratch with the knowledge I have now I'd shoot for something like this:
Space Marines 6th Ed (2013) (FW) (Primary Detachment) Selections:
Chapter Tactics
Raven Guard
HQ (170pts)
Captain (170pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent CharacterArtificer Armor, Combi-weapon, The Shield Eternal
Elites (500pts)
Sternguard Veteran Squad (225pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads2x Meltagun, 4x Veteran
TankLascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Combi-Melta
Vanguard Veteran Squad (275pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads, Heroic InterventionJumppacks
2x Lightning Claw
2x Lightning Claw
Bolt Pistol, Stormshield, Thunder Hammer
Bolt Pistol, Stormshield, Thunder Hammer
Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Replace bolt pistol/chainsword w/ relic blade
Troops (580pts)
Scout Squad (70pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, ScoutCamo Cloaks, 4x Scouts, 4x Sniper Rifle
Scout Sergeant
Sniper Rifle
Scout Sergeant
Tactical Squad (170pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat SquadsPlasma Gun, 4x Space Marine
TankLascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
Tactical Squad (170pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat SquadsPlasma Gun, 4x Space Marine
TankLascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
Tactical Squad (170pts)
And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat SquadsPlasma Gun, 4x Space Marine
TankLascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt pistol, Combi-weapon
Fast Attack (250pts)
Stormtalon Gunship (125pts)
Aerial Assault, Escort Craft, Hover Strike, SupersonicSkyhammer Missile Launcher, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon
Stormtalon Gunship (125pts)
Aerial Assault, Escort Craft, Hover Strike, SupersonicSkyhammer Missile Launcher, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon
Reasons Behind the Choices
This army will need to be carefully played as it is quite fragile. It certainly will not fair well on boards with sparse terrain density against gun line opponents. The small tactical squad teams with specialist weapons will be scout moving forward in Razorbacks from the off, rushing towards the enemies weak points and delivering as much plasma or melta as required. This force will do well on city terrain boards with lots of line of sight blocking terrain. The Captain will go with the Sternguard acting as a shield to keep them alive, whilst the vanguard can scoot up the board with pace, applying pressure with their ability to use jump packs in the movement and assault phase. Finally the Stormtalons will be equal to any enemy flyers and should provide some extra punch where needed.
Overall I really like this force, it's quite flexible as you could adjust the special weapons on any unit to suit a purpose. It is fairly well balanced, with the tools to deal with a number of situations. It is certainly a bit of a squishy army and will be picked apart in the open with no heavy armour or tough tanks to absorb fire power. It will suffer against more top tier army lists but should hold it's own in the middle tiers.
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