Commission: Tau Farsight Crisis Suit Bomb

Farsight Enclaves Army I have recently taken on a Tau Commission for a deadly farsight bomb consisting of Farsight, Shadowsun, a Commander and 9 battlesuits. I have received a very detailed creative brief that aligns very nicely with my love of weathered giant robots. Whilst we went through...
Space Marine Minotaur Chapter Painting Project

Kit Bashing 30k and 40k Marines My new painting project has arrived and boy am I excited. I have decided to start this force composition off with a strong body of tactical marines grabbing the value for money Betrayal at Calth box and Start Collecting box, a pile of characters and some transports...
Complete Tau Army and New Warhammer 40k Project

Here is a quick showcase of my latest Tau army. I bought it way back when the latest Tau codex was released but I was not blogging at the time so the painting and building steps were unfortunately not documented here! I am sure I have more photos taken somewhere so perhaps I will dig them out to...
On My Workbench - Tau Riptide Battlesuit

I have taken a break from painting Imperial Knights to look at another type of robot, an old favourite of mine the Riptide Battlesuit. It's very refreshing to build this kit after the Knights as they were very restrictive in how they were built. Yes you could move their arms around but true posing...
Mechanicus Themed Imperial Knight Showcase [Sold]

My latest creation is complete! I’m showcasing him with some swanky photos taken in my new mini photo studio which makes a huge difference to the crispness of the images. I can finally show off the paint job to the full. This knight was painted in a similar manner to my previous. I used Vallejo...