New Website, New Sprues
The new Games Workshop website launched earlier this week and looks lovely. The full size images are spectacular to behold with GW's use of high quality photography and modern website layout. I think that the missing elements such as erratas and downloads are forgiveable (they are coming apparently) - working in design and web myself I know how much of a monumental task this must have been to get everything joined up and running smoothly immediately after pressing the on button.With the launch came a fantastically detailed Space Marine captain for orders over a certain amount and now it's revealed a second captain sprue (which I think looks even better!) is available - this time it has an £18 price tag on it but seems to also require a promotional code probably from purchasing the first one (that is a guess).If you fiddle around with the URL of the previous captain page you can get access to viewing it!
I love this design, it is definitely worth of a limited edition run. It will be putting huge holes in your wallet if you desire this however! My only negative is looking at the sprue it looks like the shoulder pads are sculpted into the arms. For me that means I won't be able to put my Puppetswar shoulder pads that I have been using for my Space Marine Crimson Minotaurs however it's easy enough to use a different arm. Seems a bit of a waste though considering an arm is probably worth about £4 on this kit!
Let me know what you think of the miniatures and Games Workshops move to webstore exclusives and limited model runs.